The Convention was started in 2013 by the leaders of several churches in the Oban area of Argyll. The intention was to hold Christian conferences in this part of the Scottish Highlands. It is a summer event, and provides for the many tourists who visit the area as well as for local people. In some years a day conference is held in the Spring. It is an independent non-denominational charity and in 2017 it became part of the Keswick Fellowship. Its purpose is:
· to promote biblical teaching
· to present the challenge of the gospel in the teaching of Jesus Christ
· to encourage Christians to adhere to the whole counsel of God as revealed in the Bible
· to emphasise God's call to practical obedience to his Word including missionary responsibility
· to assist people in developing a greater understanding of the Christian faith and heritage including its local context
1. Is this another church?
2. I’m not a Christian. Is this for me too?
3. What can the Convention do for me that my local church can’t?
4. Do you expect us to just sit and listen?
5. What will it cost me to come?
6. What’s in it for local church leaders?
7. Is there children’s or youth work?
This report was made to the Annual General meeting held at Oban Free Church of Scotland Hall at 7pm on 13 June 2024
The membership of the Organising Committee as June 2024 is as follows:
· Donald MacAskill (Chair)
· Phil Toms ( Secretary)
· Liz Deverill (Treasurer)
· Elizabeth Cringles*
· Archie MacPhail*
· Mal Toms
· Mrs Sandra MacColl
· Rev Carol Leech
The Committee are very much saddened with the recent (16 May) passing of Rev Iain Morrison who is now with the Lord, after his 11-month brave battle with cancer. We remember Iain’s family at this difficult time. We thank God for Iain’s friendship and time on the committee. We will miss his advice, wisdom, and talents very much.
During the year, the Committee agreed to the appointment of Donald MacAskill as Chair in succession to Rev George Cringles. George diligently served as Chairman since 2019 The Committee wishes to record its thanks to George. The Committee also agreed to appoint Phil Toms as Secretary and Liz Deverill as Treasurer. They were warmly welcomed along with new members, Mal Toms, Rev Carol Leech and Moira Dunlop. Moira Dunlop resigned after a brief period due to other pressing commitments.
Resignations were received with regret from:
Rev George Cringles (Chair)
Bill Harvey (Secretary)
David James
*Archie MacPhail (Treasurer) and *Elizabeth Cringles both generously agreed to stay on for a while to help with so many committee changes occurring at the one time. We thank them both.
The committee wishes to record its thanks and gratitude for all the gracious and diligent guidance and wisdom received from all these stalwarts and their contribution to the success of the Convention over the years and since its inception. We are thankful also that all have stated they will continue to support the Convention in the future.
The 2023 Convention with the theme ‘The Risen Christ’. 2023 was our 10th Anniversary. This was held at the main auditorium at the Corran Halls in Oban from 1st to 3rd August. The Speakers were Tim Chester and Andy Bannister. The morning and evening talks were very much appreciated by all who attended. The addresses were recorded on YouTube for our website. Our talented Praise Band participated well. Attendances remain good and in line with the previous year. Workshops were held for the first time at lunchtimes and were well attended. Andy Banister led these. There were opportunities to gather for prayer each morning. There were various Christian Organisations with their stalls. There was a bookstall provided throughout the Convention by the Faith Mission. Fellowship was enjoyed over teas and coffee. We give thanks to God for guiding us as a committee and for His wonderful provision.
The 2024 Convention with the theme ‘Belonging?’ is due to be held at the main auditorium of the Corran Halls from 6th to 8th August with morning and evening gatherings. Workshops will be held at lunchtimes on two of the days. The main Speakers are Glynn Harrison and Gordon Thomson. A Kidzone is being introduced for the first time for primary school children during the mornings which promises to be an exciting addition. Our Praise Band have been practicing for the event. There will be Christian organisations taking part including SASRA (The Soldiers & Aviator’ Scripture Readers Association), Barnabas Aid and Slavic Gospel Association and a bookstall.
Plans for the 2025 Convention are already in hand. Speakers are currently being arranged. Joe Barnard from Holyrood Evangelical Church, Edinburgh has confirmed he will speak at the event
Donald MacAskill
12th June 2024
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
The Argyll Convention is a charity registered in Scotland. Its number is