The organising committee had the widespread problem of anxiety and other mental distress in mind when choosing this theme.
Glynn Harrison (retired psychiatrist and Christian author) spoke on the idea of 'home' in the Parable of the Prodigal Son . He also gave a very helpful talk on children and smartphones.
Gordon Thomson (Faith Mission Superintendent) addressed the theme by reference to God's protection, peace and power. Gordon also gave a talk on personal evangelism, using his own experience as an evangelist.
2023 was the 10th anniversary of the Argyll Convention. We give thanks to God for his kindness, his presence, and his people.
Tim Chester was speaker at the first convention in 2013. He was here again in 2023 and was joined by Andy Bannister
1st to 3rd August.
Corran Halls, Oban
Videos below
'The Master Question Asker: Learning From Jesus' Approach to Evangelism' - Andy Bannister
'Meeting Christ Round His Table'
'How to Share Your Faith Without Looking Like an Idiot'
'What Would Jesus Say to Greta Thunberg?'
The Argyll Convention was held in-person once again. from Tuesday 2nd to Thursday 4th August
The theme: 'In Christ Alone'
The main contributors were Ian Hamilton, Wayne Sutton and Chad Vegas. Various Christian organisations were represented. Ian and Chad drew lessons from the Letter to Philemon, while Wayne spoke about encounters with Jesus recorded in John's Gospel.
Ian Hamilton began by looking at what the Letter to Philemon says about being a Christian.
That evening Wayne posed the question, 'An Absent God? ' as he considered the story of Mary, Martha and Lazarus.
Chad focused on what Philemon tells us about Christian unity.
Wayne's second address was 'Extravagant Worship' as he presented the story of Mary anointing Jesus and asked if we felt the same as she did?
Ian's last address was about godly contentment in times of trouble and the Convention concluded with John chapter 13 and 'Knowing Where We Are Going'
The 2021 Argyll Convention was on the theme: 'Trusting God in Turbulent Times' Surely appropriate for this year Jonathan Lamb and John Risbridger gave four talks on the Book of Habakkuk, a prophet who lived in times similar to ours and who asked God similar questions. We can relate to his experience, and learn from God's answers. View each talk by clicking on the YouTube link below. They include interviews with the speakers and are set in the beautiful scenery of Oban and the surrounding area.
Andy Bannister and Gareth Black from SOLAS Centre for Public Christianity gave two addresses online for the Argyll Convention. They were:
With All the Options - Why Jesus?
Doubting the Resurrection? Luke 24
They can be viewed now on the Convention YouTube channel
The 2019 Argyll Convention took place in the Corran Halls, Oban, from 6th to 8th August.
It was a Christ-centred occasion, both in the Bible expositions, and the other meetings.
Alasdair Paine spoke at the morning meetings on Philippians - showing how sharing the Spirit of Christ, who humbled himself, would solve the church's problems and make it glorious. It was a call to think about our sovereign Lord, and thus rejoice in him instead of giving way to anxiety. His addresses were: 'Big Problems - Wonderful Antidotes', 'A Great Secret of Gospel Unity', and 'More Messages for Us'.
Alex MacDonald spoke about 'Encounters with Jesus' from Mark's and Luke's gospels. He portrayed three people meeting the Saviour - The Woman of Samaria (He Understands Me), the Demoniac of Gadara (He Values Me), and Mary of Bethany (He Defends Me). The Saviour was seen and lessons were learned.
Other contributors were from MAF, Open Doors, and CARE in Scotland
'Jonah - A Signpost for Humanity' - Martin Allen
'The God Who Seeks and Saves: Learning from Acts' - David Cook
Also: 'See What God has Done!' Tom Lennie spoke about revivals in the West Highlands
'Christians Facing Challenges' - Nigel Kenny (Christian Institute)
'Community Bible Experience' - Adrian Armstrong (Scottish Bible Society)
The 2017 Convention met around the theme: Finding Meaning in a Meaningless World. Simon Austen gave us a perspective on that as he spoke from Matthew's Gospel about Jesus Christ and 'Security for the Soul'. He told us to 'Be Sure of the Word'; 'Be Sure of Jesus Christ', and 'Be Sure Why You Need Him'. Dominic Smart explained the wisdom found in the Book of Ecclesiastes using the headings: 'Wise Up! Folly is fatal'; 'Reading God: life's art', and 'Go for it! While you still can'. Other subjects and speakers included: stories by Malcolm MacLeod of Steadfast Global from societies where people are persecuted for their faith in Christ; an account of medical and translation work in the highlands of West Papua in Indonesia (people there want to bring the gospel back to the UK!); a presentation of the work done by Mission Aviation Fellowship; and, the significance of the Reformation for today, by Alistair Wilson of the Highland Theological College.
Main speakers were on that occasion were: Angus MacRae who spoke of the sufferings and joy of Christ, and Dominic Smart who led us through parts of Ezekiel showing the holiness, sovereignty and faithfulness of God.
John Angus MacLeod, Vice-Principal of Edinburgh Theological Seminary, stood in at short notice and showed us in a moving way 'The Glory of Christ' from John's Gospel. His colleague on that occasion was Alisdair Payne, a pastor in Cambridge and a trustee of the Keswick Convention. Alisdair pointed to 'The True and Living God' as he is revealed in the early chapters of Exodus.
A memorable conference, with Hector Morrison, Principal of the Highland Theological Seminary UHI, and Richard Bewes, now retired from All Souls in London and busy writing and broadcasting. Richard spoke on 'The Time is Near' from Revelation 21 and 22, while Hector showed us 'Christ Redeeming, Rising and Reigning' from Isaiah 52 and 53.
The very first Argyll Convention, and so a big 'Thank You' to Tim Chester, church planter and author from 'The Crowded House' in Sheffield. Tim showed us from the story of Samuel's birth that 'There is No Rock Like Our God'.
The Argyll Convention is a charity registered in Scotland. Its number is
1st to 3rd August 2023